Thursday, September 27, 2012

Writing Bucket List

You have one, don't you? It's composed of all those story ideas or concepts that you absolutely love and always swear to yourself that you're going to write someday. 

(That quote "If not now, when?" comes to mind, but that's an entirely different and horrifying topic in and of itself.)

I've recently decided to challenge myself and write down the bucket list in a organized collection, containing everything I know about each idea. It's going to be a page on this blog. Then, whenever I miraculously have nothing to work on (ha - hahahahaha. ha.), or whenever I'm strapped for an idea for NaNo or Camp or something, I'm going to look at that list and sincerely try to write one of the items. Because frankly, the items on the list terrify me. They're the ideas I don't use because I don't think I'll ever be able to do them justice, for whatever reason. Each one is so perfect in my head that I figure if I put it down on paper it will shrivel up and die.

Either that, or they're lovely ideas except that they're missing something crucial. Like a conflict. Or a main character.

Anyway ("anyway" - one of my favorite words that I use too often), I just thought I needed to challenge myself to accomplish something, even if that something is only evaluating other challenges. I'm in a mucky limbo between school and a job and more school, so I'm feeling rather unmotivated. And it's been a long time since I completed a longer writing project. Just look at my current projects page. It's swimming with stuff I need to update more.

Blah. The only way to bring a muse back is to write until she decides to show back up, I suppose.

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