Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mwahaha New Post

(Maybe I'll get the hang of this again?)

I went out and bought a new notebook yesterday - just one of those standard 70-sheet college rule ones. I'm pretty sure if I could be bothered to open a couple drawers, I'd find that I have a stash of them, but I'm kinda of  (read: definitely) a nut for office supplies. I could spend all my money on pens, and anyway for me there's this spiritual aspect of going out and buying a notebook for a specific purpose. (Seriously. Me and office supplies. Don't even let me start.)

See, before I had a computer - or at least before I had one that didn't sound like a race car when I turned it on - I wrote notebook-long stories. That actually got finished. That were all in one place and not scattered across files and loose sheets. So yesterday I arbitrarily decided that I was going to buy a shiny new notebook and do that and who cares if I've already got like, three stories on Figment going that need attention and does it really matter that I have no idea what I'm going to write in said notebook, I'm sure something will happen once I start. (The God of Encloses Spaces though. That is going to get updated. Because it's my baby. And I'm almost done making my pretentious soundtrack for it.)

I don't know what it is. The last few months I've felt a bit stagnant, writing-wise. (I think I have a new writing crisis every other month, but this one's been the prevailing one.) My composition books are full-up with story snippets and scraps and beginnings that stop three paragraphs in. I think I really do need to just fill up a notebook with a story, any story. Maybe have my own little NaNo, only measured in pages instead of words because I need baby steps.

I love this box. Teddy bears.
ALRIGHT, SO SERIOUS WRITING BUSINESS ASIDE - What else is going on with my life? I don't know. I'm job-hunting, but it's not going too hot since I don't have easy access to a car and most of the jobs are at least 30 miles away. Waiting for college acceptance letters. Fangirl-ing about stuff (finally made myself finish Cowboy Bebop last night - I'm now having a serious case of emotions). After a long hiatus (it was hot chocolate season) I've resumed collecting tea.

Oh, I'm planning a surprise party, which I'm super-excited about. I've never thrown, attended, or been surprised by one, but my best friend called me up a few weeks ago and declared that since our friend always throws his own parties, we should get the jump on him this year. And apparently someone is dressing up like Slender Man? We've told the birthday boy it's just one of our usual horror movie days, so I guess it kind of fits . . . Slender Man though. Oy vey.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Still Alive. Honestly.

Alright, so keeping a consistent journal/blog/etc has never been exactly my thing. I started keeping a diary once in middle school, wrote at least once a week for a while . . . and then it turned into about twice a year. Which resulted in these really, really long entries that were basically a breeze over of all the significant events that I could remember at the time. But, anyway.

Right now The God of Enclosed Spaces is getting top priority, and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going continue the version that's up on Figment right now. I think it might actually end up being the prologue to the actual story, though chronologically some of the chapters might be set during the main story . . . (this always happens to me, by the way: I right a story and then realize too late that I've totally botched the chronology, so I decide that I just couldn't care less about time and the natural order of things so I jump around to my heart's content, to be edited later). See, 'cause the main story, I think, is going to be lot more focused on what is presently skulking around the Anderson woods and upsetting the local wildlife - and the identity of the entity (oh, that phrase was fun to write) is intrinsically tied to not just Mackenzie, but to Oscar Valentine, Sabrina Andrews, and the events on which their film Orithea Town was based. But to say any more would be spoilerific, and I don't know if anyone wants that.

I've been warning, anyhow, that in all likelihood whatever chapters come out in the near future are going to be vignettes, because I'm still having a lot of fun fleshing out Mac and Flan and their relationship, and sometimes I just want to write about what happened that one time they were at the beach, or that one time Mac adopted a cat, and so on. But I did say at the beginning it was a slice-of-life deal, so really that just fits in with the project from the start.

Now, I will attempt to post again sometime this month. :)